Thursday, July 19, 2012

I often wonder about this

I often wonder about this
Snow is rare!

Have you played in snow? Do you know how it feels on a cold wintery morning? I’m asking you this, because I don’t know much about it. Chennai is never really cold.
Years ago, we lived in Hapur, Gaziyabad district, Uttarpradesh. I was 5 then. It was winter, there was plenty of rain. The rain drops were super cool and the result was a glaze.
So, what is glaze?

Freezing rain is the name given to rain that falls when surface temperatures are below freezing. The raindrops become super cooled while passing through a sub-freezing layer of air, many hundred feet (or meters), just above the surface, and then freeze upon impact with any object they encounter. The resulting ice, called glaze, can accumulate to a thickness of several centimetres.

Courtesy: Wikipedia

I have seen and experienced glaze. I remember touching the ice that fell down in the open space beside my home in Hapur. The chill and shiver are still live in my memory. That was the last I saw something close to snow. Nature is a gift to man, isn’t it?
The snow, the glaziers, the mountains, the wonderful rivers, the sea and many more are little bundles of gift from nature. The science behind Nature fascinates me. How creative is God? How much thought would have gone into creating this beautiful world?
…And how easily we ruin it.

Those Cinderella shoes

I was so upset the other day, pissed with a person who would no longer be a friend. So irritated was I that I decided to do something that would cheer me up.

So, I went shopping.

I went to Bata showroom, in Mylapore, Chennai. I scanned the shop and found this pair of shoes. It’s white, plastic finish with a jazzy bow on it. I named it Cinderella shoes. On a day, when my mood is just fine I wouldn’t pick it up because I hardly wear anything that is showy and noticeable. But that day I picked it up.

I tried it and kept looking at myself in the showroom’s mirror. I loved them on my foot. Of course, I bought it. Not 1 but 2!

But, why???

I still wonder. I felt the urge to buy it. It pleased me, amused me and made me feel different.
One pair is safe in my cupboard. The other is displayed in my living room. I wear it, look at myself in the mirror and then take it off. Is there a psychology behind this kind of activity? Are all women like this?

I don’t know, but when the white Cinderella shoes glitters in the dark, I just smile.

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