Friday, April 19, 2013

Golden Moments of Life…

Every moment of life offers something good. And, all that is good, is golden, isn’t it?
 Incidents that taught me, to see life through the magnifying glass and enjoy the little bundles of happiness that it offers…
It was one of those busiest days, and I was totally irritated. When I was in college the word “Corporate” used to enchant me so much. I dreamt and longed to be a part of it. And, I have to admit that I initially enjoyed the glitter and glamour of the IT Parks, was truly inspired watching busy managers and totally impressed with the money that I took home. For very many years, I used to get automatically thrilled the moment I was paid. The money will thrill you more and more, if you had been with parents and living on a restricted income most of your life, the very minute you enter the corporate, it throws open so many wonderful avenues to learn, enjoy and spend. That is how it was for me, just like anyone. But, as years passed by, I kept asking myself, if I really enjoy it the way I used to? What do you get working so hard? And, did I sign up for such a routine, tiring job, 9 years back? I clearly knew that I’m missing out a lot being a part of it and getting sucked into this “corporate” drama. Especially on one particular Friday, I felt so drained out that I just couldn’t work. Too many tasks to handle, too many backlogs and an overflow of escalations, I wanted to log out and just run away with a strong mind to never come back. But I just dealt with it and went back home, really tired and sad. It was already 10PM and when I entered my room, I saw my daughter asleep. Then I realized what I was missing… Motherhood. I had tears in my eyes, when I looked at her peaceful face. I silently switched on the night lamp, to adjust her pillow. She woke up, looked at me for a second and said “mummy va thungu (mummy come and sleep). She moved a little and pointed at the pillow, smiled again and slept. She is just 3… She taught me the greatest lesson that day – “How much ever we work hard and get drained in the corporate world, let’s not miss out on our kids.”

It was drizzling in Chennai, one particular day, when I was at home alone. It has been ages, since I have spent time to watch the rain. I sat in one corner of my room and peeped out of the window. I saw three people walk out of their houses with different frames of mind. An old lady walked out, looked up with an irritated face to realize that she missed to bring her umbrella. She cursed as she walked back home, that it was getting late and seemed totally irritated with climatic changes. Then I saw this house owner of mine, standing at the tip of the pavement, skeptical to take the next step. He moved forward and backward but never really stepped out. He too looked up, cursed and went back home.
Then came the beauty queen of our area, stepped out without realizing that it was drizzling. She was shocked seeing the rain, cross checked if her make-up was intact and ran back home. Yes, she did look up and cursed the rain in her own words. Finally, it was the little boy across the street who works part time in the cycle shop nearby. He stepped out, clearly knowing that it was raining. He then took his cycle, screamed at the top of his voice, went round and round in that small street. He was so happy; he jumped, laughed and looked up with a SMILE. The rest of the agitated people in the road were totally irritated with the little boy as he was making a lot of noise. A few moments later, the little boy looked up and saw me peeping through the window. He smiled and said,”Akka, super it is, come down with papa. Show her the rain.” I smiled at him again and thought he was really a little hero. The hero who knew to identify the little elements of joy that life offers.

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